Friday, April 2, 2010

Know Your Secretariat, part quatre

Minshu aka Mrin aka Mrinalini aka I don't even know what her real name is anymore aka Isaac

What she does: harass strangers and innocent Shakespearean convention attendees to buy t-shirts, fail at the English language, hide from cameras, spend 16 CONSECUTIVE HOURS in the office assigning positions, answer endless emails from HDs.
What she holds: extra badge paper, an awesome ChoMUN tshirt, one particular delegate's fragile heart.
What she says when awake: "YEAH! Yeah, guys, yeah!"
What she says when sleepy: "mumble mumble sldfizuwer mumble SHOES mumble dslkfdsfoiw"
Why we love her: Because she made us blog. And none of the rest of us wants to sit outside and sell tshirts. And it's fun to take photos of her and watch her run away.
Where you can find her: losing her mind and twirling around in circles in front of the registration table.

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