Last night, a historical and truly important event took place.
Last night, a new precedent was set for all future ChoMUNs to come.
Last night, we held our first Friday night social event - a karaoke night.
Heading into last night, we were all concerned over how this would turn out. Would we get 10 people singing awkwardly while Secretariat stood around trying to eat our money's worth of the most expensive trail mix on Earth? Would my eardrums burst? Would simply no one show up at all? Would this be the social event that cast a dark shadow on all future ChoMUN social events?
Luckily, all of you took to the event like, well, all of you do to a good prop in committee (which is to say with a startling amount of amusement - perhaps TOO much enthusiasm given your age and level of education). If you weren't there, then you missed out on a good time. While everyone seemed to have had a good time last night, Secretariat has a couple of shout-outs for the standouts from last night:
- To all of the head delegates who sang the classic of all classics, N'Sync's "Bye, Bye, Bye": We didn't know being tone deaf was a requirement for becoming an HD. If you're looking for your dignity and can't remember where you lost it, we have a very full lost and found box in the Secretariat suite.
- To the Secretariat Stalker: YES, we did see you staring at us last night. NO, it was not ok. Let's NOT repeat that again tonight.
- To the delegation from Alabama who sang Sweet Home Alabama: we appreciate your innovative display of school pride. However, your state needs better songs.
And to the delegates who danced all the way up to the last minute of the last song, we want to see a repeat tonight.