Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thank You

I planned to write this post tomorrow, but who knows how busy, tired, or dare I say - hungover I'll be.

Thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard over the past four days to make this conference an incredible experience for all of the delegates.

Thank you to all of the Chairs and CDs who successfully took the ideas they proposed 10 months ago and made them phenomenal committees.

And finally, thank you to the most amazing ChoMUN Secretariat I ever could have hoped for.

It's been an honor and a pleasure to work with each and every one of you for the past 11 months.

Much Love

It's the Time to Disco!

As conference is drawing to a close :( we have one last event to go out with a bang and leave a firm imprint on every participant's mind as the BEST FUCKING CONFERENCE ON THE PLANET! I am, of course, referring to delegate dance. It is going to be a great time and everyone should come on down from 10:00-2:00 we will be dancing it up and getting our groove on. Let's show people how it is done!

Your Just Awake Enough Chief of Staff

Best committee idea ever

ChoMUN XIV Secretariat.

The delegates become Secretariat and are based on notable historical ChoMUN members. The crisis staff become the delegates.

Crisis ideas:
- The printer ran out of toner.
- Someone decided to set off the fire alarm.
- A delegate gets a little too into the delegate dance and dislocates an arm.
- Delegates on a committee decide that they don't want a crisis (Please note that this is a crisis-only conference, delegates.)

Overheard at the registration table

Mrinalini: "I have some thoughts... *silence*"

Overheard in the crisis room

Ajeet: "Ow! OW! How do people put these things in their butt?"

(For the record, he was referring to a fake gun.)

Our USGs are so classy

AT: "I think you should live fast, die young so your corpse will be pretty."

DNC Notes

Let this speak for itself: 

Who spilled on the printer table?!

1. You ruined our badge paper.

2. Coffee should not be wasted.

3. You shouldn't have hit and run.

4. Coffee should not be wasted.

5. Coffee + electronics = bad things, therefore you should have at least made an attempt at cleaning up.

6. Coffee should NOT be wasted.

the Registration Table's Lament

It's covered in papers.

My computer is out of battery.

I'm all alone.

I have to pee.

I've eaten nothing but fruit for 3 days.


Overheard in the Crisis Room

Yakuza Crisis Table

Mark Mahvi: I don't know that's a lot of cocaine. They ought to be able to trade that in Japan for awhile.
Jackson Wright: It is like a 100 kilos. You would think...


CD of the Film makers and Actors Guild Disha Mallik was seen existing with the boys bathroom with Staffer Arnav. Possible CD-Staffer romance? 

The Perfect Delegate

The Perfect Delegate by Nina G 

Your are tall and dark 
Handsome to  say the least 
When I see you my heart flutters 
Beats, oh it skips! 

Your voice- my heart melts 
I look out for you, I wait
Keeping Mrinalini company at the Registration Desk 
Hoping, praying that you will come 

Want a badge? A t-shirt? Placard? 
Yes, yes you say. I want a badge. 
I run and print. As I give it you
Our hands brush and touch 
And I believe, 

Things Overheard at The Registration Desk

Anish and Ajeet, as they pass each other: 

Ajeet: Dude. It was great sleeping with you last night. 
Anish: It's not like it was the first time though. 

An Open Letter to Head Delegates (and by that we mean a very much CLOSED letter)

Dear Head Delegate,

It was a pleasure sending you five thousand e-mails only to receive no response. It was wonderful to have you send me the wrong delegation list which then required me to make new badges for all 17 (plus two, 'last minute changes you know, sorry!') of the delegates you brought. And most of all, I enjoyed spending Friday night mothering your drunk first years. Thank you for making ChoMUN a weekend of puke, and paper cuts.

Yours Sincerely,

Chief of Admin

Know Your Secretariat, part 6

Michael aka Enoch

What he does: power trips all over the place when handling delegate feedback, provides the male perspective to secretariat, makes up fake problems for Nina to solve just to tick her off
What he holds: His walkie talkie that he never turns off (even late at night when members of secretariat are trying to sleep) in one hand and a beer in the other
What he says: I am the least connected member of secretariat ever.
Why we love him: because he is brave enough to be the only male on secretariat and for the crazy enthusiasm he has for his committees that he keeps under his surly demeanor
Where you can find him: Not really sure. He just shows up whenever we need him.

Crisis Room Notes Continued

Congress of the Confederation really has a bone to pick with Rhode Island.

The Royal Archamenid Calendar

Dear ChoMUN Secretariat Stalker,

Your presence last night at the karaoke social event was very noticeable as you followed us around the room always maintaining a 10-15 foot perimeter. We would request that you NOT blow kisses to our Secretary General. I guarantee you that she is not interested. Neither are any of the rest of us for that matter. Next time just go up the escalator without turning around to get a last glance. Thanks to you many of us are now overly sensitive to men in pink button ups.

ChoMUN Secretariat

A Social Experiment

Last night, a historical and truly important event took place.

Last night, a new precedent was set for all future ChoMUNs to come.

Last night, we held our first Friday night social event - a karaoke night.

Heading into last night, we were all concerned over how this would turn out. Would we get 10 people singing awkwardly while Secretariat stood around trying to eat our money's worth of the most expensive trail mix on Earth? Would my eardrums burst? Would simply no one show up at all? Would this be the social event that cast a dark shadow on all future ChoMUN social events?

Luckily, all of you took to the event like, well, all of you do to a good prop in committee (which is to say with a startling amount of amusement - perhaps TOO much enthusiasm given your age and level of education). If you weren't there, then you missed out on a good time. While everyone seemed to have had a good time last night, Secretariat has a couple of shout-outs for the standouts from last night:
  • To all of the head delegates who sang the classic of all classics, N'Sync's "Bye, Bye, Bye": We didn't know being tone deaf was a requirement for becoming an HD. If you're looking for your dignity and can't remember where you lost it, we have a very full lost and found box in the Secretariat suite.
  • To the Secretariat Stalker: YES, we did see you staring at us last night. NO, it was not ok. Let's NOT repeat that again tonight.
  • To the delegation from Alabama who sang Sweet Home Alabama: we appreciate your innovative display of school pride. However, your state needs better songs.
And to the delegates who danced all the way up to the last minute of the last song, we want to see a repeat tonight.

The Magic of the Crisis Room

Mustaches galore! If there is anything this weekend has taught us it is that there can never be too many mustaches.

We all know sucking up to your chair and crisis staff is a major part of the game but sometimes the delegates take it to new levels.

GRU is making use of their excellent knowledge of specialty vodkas to take down enemy agents.

Icelandic Althing tests a delegates drawing ability in addition to speaking, writing, and general ass kicking.

Know Your Secretariat, part cinq

Aynur aka Abraham (Abie for short)

What she does: spurn delegates' advances, wake up at 7 am to make crisis trees, take over the A-level with her committee meetings during the first week of the quarter, buy ridiculous amounts of office supplies.
What she holds: a fish (it's a turkish thing, look it up)
What she says: "Where's the Bailey's?" And then something in Turkish that none of us can understand.
Why we love her: Despite her fierce exterior and the fact that she presides over her chairs with an ironclad fist, she's the sweetest and most normal of us all. (Who that says more about, her or us, is up to you.)
Where you can find her: In the Reg, in either 305 or 207, hogging a whole study room for herself.

USG-Chair Exchange

Aynur Taskan- USG Committees 
Nathan Chan- Chair of Mexican Revolution: Villa 

Aynur: "Are you calm right now?"
  Nathan: "NO, WE'RE NOT CALM!"
  Aynur: "Are you drunk?"
  Nathan: "NOOO!"

Burning the edges of the paper makes all the difference

The Cherokee Nation gets mad props for spending this much time on notes. They added their own flare by burning the edges of the paper. We applaud the staffers for the late nights spent prepping the material while watching Pocahontas and possibly drinking a little.

Secretariat would also like to say that we do appreciate the irony of asking Cherokee Nation to move their committee room, but as promised there were better resources available in the new location... seriously it is a better room.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Why I will never have a political career...

The Filmmakers and Actors Guild of Mumbai pushed the boundaries of cinema today with a racy photo shoot between Aishwarya Rai and Natasha, a women of Russian descent who needs no last name. After being refused by Preity Zinta the movie moved on to some hot competition and a showdown for an elected position on a women's board.

Know Your Secretariat, part quatre

Minshu aka Mrin aka Mrinalini aka I don't even know what her real name is anymore aka Isaac

What she does: harass strangers and innocent Shakespearean convention attendees to buy t-shirts, fail at the English language, hide from cameras, spend 16 CONSECUTIVE HOURS in the office assigning positions, answer endless emails from HDs.
What she holds: extra badge paper, an awesome ChoMUN tshirt, one particular delegate's fragile heart.
What she says when awake: "YEAH! Yeah, guys, yeah!"
What she says when sleepy: "mumble mumble sldfizuwer mumble SHOES mumble dslkfdsfoiw"
Why we love her: Because she made us blog. And none of the rest of us wants to sit outside and sell tshirts. And it's fun to take photos of her and watch her run away.
Where you can find her: losing her mind and twirling around in circles in front of the registration table.

5 ways to please ChoMUN Secretariat

5. Buy a tee shirt.

4. Clean up your area.

3. Don't ask us why your internet isn't working.

2.5. Don't ask us why their isn't a cable to use the copier as a printer.

2. Take a deep breath, before you come to us freaking out.

1. Kick ass and take names.

Day 2 is almost over

I'm tired.
The crisis room is a mess.
I have more blisters than toes on my feet.
Day 2 was a smash success.

ps: Send us pictures. We finally have time to do our real job at ChoMUN - blog about all of you!

Know Your Secretariat

Nina aka Solomon

What she does: Herd ACs into their proper places, avert chairs' mental breakdowns, distribute room keys and placards and pizza like a vending machine on crack.
What she holds: a list of every single club/bar/event venue in a 0.8 mile radius from the Hyatt, the security deposits for every single staffer (and thus a whole lot of power).
What she says: "GO BACK TO YOUR TABLE. DON'T TOUCH THAT! RAWRRRR... Do you need a hug?"
Why we love her: Because none of the rest of us want to manage this "special" staff.
Where you can find her: Fixing your hot mess.


Staffers, Delegates, Attendees of the Shakespeare Conference and Chicago tourists
Come on down and yourself some ChoMUN tees 
To work out, to hang about

Know Your Secretariat

Han aka Jonah 

What she does: Pack boxes, create and reorganize spreadsheets, tell Kate to calm down and do a million other things that every other member of Secretariat doesn't even know exists. Basically, she's the 007 of ChoMUN Secretariat.
What she holds: The Earth in her fist, spicy cheetos, and an impossibly small lap top. 
What she says: Shut the f*ck up.
Why we love her: Because she's hardcore, but still our bunny foufou.
Where you can find her: Fixing internet or fixing printers. Did we mention she's our fixer too?

Know Your Secretariat

Kate Berner aka Moses 

What she does: Ruler of the free universe, or more humbly Sec-Gen of ChoMUN XIII 
What she holds: iphone, oatmeal, dagger 
What she says: "So I was working the other day for the Guv at some random location and....." 
Why we love her? Because she can ride a stationary bike like no other, and of course because when she screams she grows two feet taller. 
Where you can find her: Everywhere all at once. 

Notes to the DNC

One delegate, from the Democratic Farmer Party writes:

Viva la revolution!

Pancho Villa gave his victory speech to celebrate the conquest of Mexico City saying, "With our recent victories we will take our cause and social revolution to all Mexico. Viva la revolution!"
His homeboy P. Chidambaram joined him to promote the cause.

Attention Delegates!

To those delegates that have stumbled across this and happen to have their cameras on hand, we'd love for you to send us your pictures (of your committee and delegation) to We hope you're having a blast and if you require anything, feel free to drop by the Registration Desk in the lobby. :)

Secretariat Gets Booooozy

Our Chief of Operations shows us how it's done. 

Things Heard at the Registration Desk

"We are going to bang on the walls of the committee room, we are going to cry and scream 'Save the Whales', 'Protect the Environment'. We are going to scare them." 

Night 1 Round Up

Last night, ChoMUN XIII opened to a phenomenal start. It was so exciting to walk around the halls of the Hyatt Regency and see delegates and staff alike furiously scampering around the hotel. ChoMUN Secretariat had the opportunity to take a break (a short one) late last night and hang out with some Head Delegates.

Everyone enjoyed themselves schmoozing, eating, and (of course) drinking in the new kick ass Hospitality Suite. Some Secretariat members got boozey, some sat in a catatonic state. For all you HD's who stealthily discovered our fledgling blog thanks for coming last night, we hope you had as much fun as we did.

Shout out to the late night crew who partied until 5 am celebrating the illustrious RoRo's birthday. Bars and McDonald are the best way to ring in 21.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mexican Memos

Fashion Tips from the Mexican Revolution JCC: 

"The mustaches are shedding! Do not keep mustaches on the table."

Mustaches are making a come back on the ChoMUN scene. Long winding delicious mustaches add just that right tickling uncomfortable masculinity. Women are purring, and men sporting these mustaches should be wary of unwanted attention....