Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thank You

I planned to write this post tomorrow, but who knows how busy, tired, or dare I say - hungover I'll be.

Thank you to all of the staff who worked so hard over the past four days to make this conference an incredible experience for all of the delegates.

Thank you to all of the Chairs and CDs who successfully took the ideas they proposed 10 months ago and made them phenomenal committees.

And finally, thank you to the most amazing ChoMUN Secretariat I ever could have hoped for.

It's been an honor and a pleasure to work with each and every one of you for the past 11 months.

Much Love

It's the Time to Disco!

As conference is drawing to a close :( we have one last event to go out with a bang and leave a firm imprint on every participant's mind as the BEST FUCKING CONFERENCE ON THE PLANET! I am, of course, referring to delegate dance. It is going to be a great time and everyone should come on down from 10:00-2:00 we will be dancing it up and getting our groove on. Let's show people how it is done!

Your Just Awake Enough Chief of Staff

Best committee idea ever

ChoMUN XIV Secretariat.

The delegates become Secretariat and are based on notable historical ChoMUN members. The crisis staff become the delegates.

Crisis ideas:
- The printer ran out of toner.
- Someone decided to set off the fire alarm.
- A delegate gets a little too into the delegate dance and dislocates an arm.
- Delegates on a committee decide that they don't want a crisis (Please note that this is a crisis-only conference, delegates.)

Overheard at the registration table

Mrinalini: "I have some thoughts... *silence*"

Overheard in the crisis room

Ajeet: "Ow! OW! How do people put these things in their butt?"

(For the record, he was referring to a fake gun.)

Our USGs are so classy

AT: "I think you should live fast, die young so your corpse will be pretty."

DNC Notes

Let this speak for itself: